Saturday, January 10, 2009

JOTMAN USA - Inbox - 'AT&T Yahoo! Mail'

JOTMAN USA - Inbox - 'AT&T Yahoo! Mail': "Highly destructive but relatively low-tech devices are becoming less expensive to install - whether it's roadside bombs in Iraq or rockets in Gaza. Hamas is using very low tech weapons, yet Israel is forced either to employee high-tech weapons to counter the threat, or launch full-scale military operations. It is expensive for Israel to destroy installations of cheap offensive weapons. Meanwhile, the global defense industry continues to convince the leaders of rich countries that they can invent or spend their way out of this conundrum. And Israel might win this battle, and maybe the next, but the one after that? For how long will Israel's advantage last -- and at what cost?"

Friday, January 9, 2009

Blogger: Libertarian Republican - Post a Comment

Blogger: Libertarian Republican - Post a CommentYou know, you guys won't be happy until we have Hoovervilles again. Will you? That is the only way you will know that the government isn't doing too much. If enough people are suffering alot so that you know that it would be unwise to complain about government spending then you will shut up. Until then you will babble until the crap runs out of the corners of your mouth.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

PrairiePundit: Hamas hiding behind skirts in Gaza City

PrairiePundit: Hamas hiding behind skirts in Gaza CityI'm surprised you're accepting comments. You can complain about tactics. The palistineans obviously have. Everything you've said, the terms that you've used, can be reversed and used to describe the other side. I'd say the biggest difference is what either side has to lose. When you got nothing you got nothing to lose.

YouTube - christian republican Hate Mongers

YouTube - christian republican Hate Mongers: "You gotta be tough. You gotta be strong. It's easier when you keep things simple. Get that adrenaline flowing. Get your hate on. It's the conservative way. To half the country it's the american way. You can't get enough"

YouTube - Bill Moyers interviews Glenn Greenwald (3/3)

YouTube - Bill Moyers interviews Glenn Greenwald (3/3): "The first time Al Gore screwed up. The second time Kerry screwed up. How kerry was surprised by the swift boat vets is totally beyond me. That guy was so not ready for prime time. Why didn't Hillary run? Was she afraid of Bush? I wonder. Did she think her chances would be better later. She certainly got what she deserved. Unfortunately so did we. Well, there's two sides to everything. It made it possible to get our first black president. Hoover made FDR possible. Live and learn."

YouTube - Rachel Maddow-Glenn Greenwald in studio - Gitmo

YouTube - Rachel Maddow-Glenn Greenwald in studio - Gitmo: "Bush sucks. Anyone who voted for him sucks. Anyone who agrees with him sucks. Anyone who admires him sucks. Anyone who wants to emulate him sucks. Anyone who was ever on his side sucks. Anyone who thinks he has any redeeming characteristics sucks. Anyone who thinks he just made a few mistakes sucks. Anyone who liked the cut of his jib sucks. And finally anyone who ever even thought for a single second that he would be fun to have a beer with really, really, really sucks"

YouTube - The price of living in Gaza

YouTube - The price of living in Gaza: "Does Israel think it has a prayer of being safe after killing people's families? How do you make peace with someone who does that to you? It's like Israel wants the palistineans to hate it. It wants the palistineans to try to destroy it. It wants the palistineans to live for its death. It is going to get its wish."

YouTube - Riz Khan - Breaking the siege on Gaza - Jan7 09 - Part 1

YouTube - Riz Khan - Breaking the siege on Gaza - Jan7 09 - Part 1: "I really feel you are going to regret your attitude, and I can't understand it. Isn't the reason jews returned to Israel because they felt persecuted by the rest of the world? Now look at what you are doing. It just makes no sense what so ever. It's like a person who molests children because he was molested himself as a child. You really need help."

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

PoliGazette » UN School in Gaza Rigged By Hamas

PoliGazette » UN School in Gaza Rigged By HamasThe Palistineans are a more primitive less educated people. Still Israel bears more responnsibility. It is like the USA and the american indians. It makes me sad the burden Israel will have to carry for its actions. I was proud of Israel when it won in 1967, and I despised the palistineans for their terrorism. Now I feel just the opposite. Israel has to see the palistinean's side of things, and the palistinean extremists have to give up as hard as that may be.

YouTube - Report - Israel Willfully Slaughtering Children

YouTube - Report - Israel Willfully Slaughtering Children: "Israel has a right to exist. Hamas does not believe that. This however does not give Israel the right to do any of the things it is doing. Is is so sad. Israel is being a war criminal much like the nazis were. They should be punished for what they are doing. Instead the USA supports them. I am ashamed of my country. I often am. I am ashamed of what we did in Iraq. I, myself am a disabled vietnam veteran. I am ashamed of what we did there. Power corrupts all of us. It's the rich against the poor. Israel is doing to the palistineans what the USA did to the american indians"

YouTube - Who broke ceasefire..CNN confirms that Israel attacked Gaza first!!! ~

YouTube - Who broke ceasefire..CNN confirms that Israel attacked Gaza first!!! ~: "Israel talks about God and does evil. They will pay. They always end up paying. It's so sad. It's sad for the palistineans. The USA will pay too. We're in this too. If we would stand up Israel couldn't get away with what it is doing. Instead we enable it like an alcoholic. It's such a sad thing. I wish a prophet could come along and make Israel come to its senses. This is so hard to watch."

YouTube - Raw Video: Gunmen Shoot at Mexican TV Station

YouTube - Raw Video: Gunmen Shoot at Mexican TV Station: "The rich in Mexico have always had contempt for the law. They are finally reaping the rewards. I am glad to see it. A policeman makes $5000 a year. Corruption anyone? Now they are trying to wipe out the cartels. Rots of Ruck! Kidnapping is rampant, and it is done by the police! The class system in Mexico has to fall. It will be a violent end. They are trying to blame it on drugs as usual. Drugs are always the scapegoat for classism."

Friday, January 2, 2009

Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - Folding Blago’s big top « - Blogs from

Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - Folding Blago’s big top « - Blogs from "I cannot believe the lame excuses I am hearing on your program for not covering war from gaza. How much bragging was there when Peter Arnet was in Bagdad when bombs started dropping? How dumb are you guys to let the Isrealis mislead so easily? It really shakes my faith in you. I am very disappointed. You are letting yourselves being lead around in a way I have never seen before. You claim to fear kidnapping. While I'm sure there is some danger I know Hamas wants their story out. You are just letting yourself be manipulated. They talk about the jewish lobby. Is CNN part of it?"

YouTube - Dying Man Opposes Assisted Suicide

YouTube - Dying Man Opposes Assisted Suicide: "Leave it to Fox news to take a man's last breaths and do something crude with them. These people don't care about the feelings of others. They only care about imposing THEIR will on others. They want to run things. They want to be the tough guys. Even as they are dying they want it their way. Love is a weakness to them. They're nasty little insecure people, and their only meaning in life is getting their own way"

Thursday, January 1, 2009

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.: "Didn't the Jews want other people to worry about the nazi's shortcomings? Didn't the nazis want to be left alone? You put yourself up on a perch just like the nazis or the south africans. You've stolen everything from these people. Now you're murdering them, but hey you're only surviving. Remind you of anyone. It reminds me of the blacks and whites here in the USA. I feel as bad for you as I do for the palistineans. They will survive, but you will need to be forgiven just like the nazis had to be. And what is this about being extracted? Why were you kicked out? Your explanations seem very one sided. You invaded these people. Where is all of this going to end? Also taking credit for God doesn't get you very far with me. Muslims should be your brothers. You are acting like you never heard of God."