Saturday, October 25, 2008

George W. Bush has done us all a favor | Capitol Hill Blue

George W. Bush has done us all a favor | Capitol Hill Blue: "As crazy as it sounds, I believe we now have none other than George W. Bush to thank for most of Mr. Obama's surging popularity.
With eight years of Bush and his neocon Cabal running around the world starting endless 'holy wars' based on non-existent WMDs, Americans have now gotten a good, 'up close and personal' chance to see what a Theocracy looks like.
That is, over the last eight years, the Republican Party has done us all an odd -- if unintentional -- service by showing us in practice exactly what the Founding Fathers feared most and tried to prevent when they created our nation.
What we've been witnessing is nothing less than the Republican Party's complete takeover by the evangelical religious right and their unabashed attempt to turn the United States of America into a Christian Theocracy."

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