BREAKING VIDEO: Reid Supporters Throwing Eggs And Assaulting Andrew Breitbart : Founding Bloggers
Is there anybody more repulsive than Andrew Breitbart? Does he have a personality disorder or what? He's just down right creepy. Does anybody like being around this guy? Talk about somebody that needs a personality transplant. What a hero!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Here we go: MSM insinuates that all post-ObamaCare threats are the fault of right wingers (UPDATED) « Sister Toldjah
Here we go: MSM insinuates that all post-ObamaCare threats are the fault of right wingers (UPDATED) « Sister Toldjah
You're just evil. You know that? By denying who is responsible you are covering up for them. What little conscience you might have is certainly on vacation. You're like the taliban covering up for Al Qaeda. How about that Tim McVeigh? Think he was a democrat? It's just sick what you're doing. You will have a hard time living it down.
You're just evil. You know that? By denying who is responsible you are covering up for them. What little conscience you might have is certainly on vacation. You're like the taliban covering up for Al Qaeda. How about that Tim McVeigh? Think he was a democrat? It's just sick what you're doing. You will have a hard time living it down.
Monday, March 29, 2010
To Sinead O'Connor, the pope's apology for sex abuse in Ireland seems hollow -
To Sinead O'Connor, the pope's apology for sex abuse in Ireland seems hollow -
The church has to cover up the cover up of the cover up. Is it any wonder atheism is on the rise. This isn't the Salem witch trials, but it is in the same vein. Religion, once again, has gotten to big for its britches.
The church has to cover up the cover up of the cover up. Is it any wonder atheism is on the rise. This isn't the Salem witch trials, but it is in the same vein. Religion, once again, has gotten to big for its britches.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Twitter / Home
Twitter / Home
Maher: Dems finally realized that their job on earth is to drag "the hillbilly half of this country into the next century."
Maher: Dems finally realized that their job on earth is to drag "the hillbilly half of this country into the next century."
Israel: an apartheid state? - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition
Israel: an apartheid state? - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition
White settlers in South Africa, like Zionist pioneers, colonised a land already inhabited. As in South Africa, the settlers in Palestine expelled the indigenous population, some two-thirds of the Palestinians in the land that became Israel in 1948, took possession of their properties and legally segregated those who remained.
White settlers in South Africa, like Zionist pioneers, colonised a land already inhabited. As in South Africa, the settlers in Palestine expelled the indigenous population, some two-thirds of the Palestinians in the land that became Israel in 1948, took possession of their properties and legally segregated those who remained.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
For Europeans, U.S. Health Care is Long Overdue - TIME
For Europeans, U.S. Health Care is Long Overdue - TIME: "It seems entirely possible that, in 10 years time, Americans will find it hard to believe that they didn't always have the right to health insurance.'"
Gregor Peter Schmitz,
Bertelsmann Foundation think tank
Gregor Peter Schmitz,
Bertelsmann Foundation think tank
House Republican Conference Chairman Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind, accompanied by Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash. , discusses health care legislation during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, March 23, 2010. - Purely Maven: Main Journal - Does America need GOP racist and 'baby killer' kind of bipartianship? - Purely Maven: Main Journal - Does America need GOP racist and 'baby killer' kind of bipartianship?
This is a well written piece. One good thing about these events is that it keeps us aware of the possibilities. We would like to think that we live in a nice calm world that is relatively stable. We don't. The right wing consistently erupts. There is a constant cycle. There will always be an element of society that wants to take us over a cliff. The same things that give us the power to be good give us the power to be bad. Sometimes the bad wins. That's life. Get used to it and be ready for it. When you're prepared you prevent.
This is a well written piece. One good thing about these events is that it keeps us aware of the possibilities. We would like to think that we live in a nice calm world that is relatively stable. We don't. The right wing consistently erupts. There is a constant cycle. There will always be an element of society that wants to take us over a cliff. The same things that give us the power to be good give us the power to be bad. Sometimes the bad wins. That's life. Get used to it and be ready for it. When you're prepared you prevent.
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: The Fourth Branch
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: The Fourth Branch: "were the Congress closer to a direct democracy -- such as by having proportional representation of Senators, non-gerrymandered congressional districts, and a norm for majority-rules procedures in the Senate -- health care reform would have been signed into law months ago and would likely be substantially more liberal and sweeping than the reforms that have in fact been enacted."
Nate Silver
Nate Silver
Monday, March 22, 2010
t r u t h o u t | David Frum | Waterloo
t r u t h o u t | David Frum | Waterloo: "Is it too early to announce the demise of the Republican party as we’ve known it these past 30 years? By becoming ever more marginalized, by allowing the hysterical fringe to take over, the Republican brand has become synonymous with angry, antisocial behavior--cynical greed. It didn’t used to be that way. They got more than a little too cocky and hubristic after 9/11 and allowed this charlatan faction to take control. It was an ephemeral coalition to be sure--fundamentalist Christian conservatives, Wall Street fee trade libertarians and neoconservative cold warriors who banded together to thwart the needs and security of modern America. Like General Lee at Gettysburg, they attempted a Pickett’s Charge that led to their demise. They overreached. Now they are viewed as the unreasonable fringe movement, not realists who see the future and offer pragmatic solutions to today’s problems. Of course, they won’t disappear. They’ll regroup to fight another day. Perhaps another terrorist outrage, some series of scandals involving government bureaucracy and abuse will turn voters back to the soothsayers of the right (think Reagan during the Carter years). People will always be tempted by confident voices offering simple solutions to the current daunting issues. Hopefully it won’t require the wreckage of events like World War II, the Cold War or the Great Recession to nurture wisdom and reject fantasy.
by JRuss
by JRuss
YouTube - Eric Cantor boasted that health care doesn't have the votes
YouTube - Eric Cantor boasted that health care doesn't have the votes
Suck on it, you neaderthal. Get some happy pills from your buddy, Rush Limbaugh and have a real pity party. Your lies, deceit and hypocrisy have all been for nothing. Being on the wrong side of history is a bitch. You need to get a clue. You've been a nasty little camper, and now you need to pay. No soup for you!
Suck on it, you neaderthal. Get some happy pills from your buddy, Rush Limbaugh and have a real pity party. Your lies, deceit and hypocrisy have all been for nothing. Being on the wrong side of history is a bitch. You need to get a clue. You've been a nasty little camper, and now you need to pay. No soup for you!
E.J. Dionne Jr. - Yes, they made history -
E.J. Dionne Jr. - Yes, they made history -
It's just sad. Once upon a time, the Republican Party was a sensible and
respectable group, with nominees like Eisenhower and Goldwater. Today,
'conservative' has come to mean 'right-wing flat-earth nut case,' with a
laundry list of mandatory antis -- abortion, Darwinian evolution, gay
rights, scientific sex education, recognizing global warming, stem-cell
research, and even contraception. To that list, now add affordable healthcare.It's high time for the Republican
Party to follow the Whig Party into the dustbin of History.
by Chuck8
It's just sad. Once upon a time, the Republican Party was a sensible and
respectable group, with nominees like Eisenhower and Goldwater. Today,
'conservative' has come to mean 'right-wing flat-earth nut case,' with a
laundry list of mandatory antis -- abortion, Darwinian evolution, gay
rights, scientific sex education, recognizing global warming, stem-cell
research, and even contraception. To that list, now add affordable healthcare.It's high time for the Republican
Party to follow the Whig Party into the dustbin of History.
by Chuck8
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Spitting and Slurs Directed at Lawmakers - Readers' Comments -
Spitting and Slurs Directed at Lawmakers - Readers' Comments -
I'm watching the house debate as I write this. I am reminded of Jimmy Carter and what he said about race and President Obama. He was roundly denounced. Now we know. Can these people really help themselves? They have a borderlne criminal mentality. They think they are exhibiting acceptable behavior. There is an election coming up. Are we going to reinforce these people, or are we going to stand up to them?
I'm watching the house debate as I write this. I am reminded of Jimmy Carter and what he said about race and President Obama. He was roundly denounced. Now we know. Can these people really help themselves? They have a borderlne criminal mentality. They think they are exhibiting acceptable behavior. There is an election coming up. Are we going to reinforce these people, or are we going to stand up to them?
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Health Care Conversations -
Health Care Conversations -
It is the classic cliche to say that you can't legislate morality. I suppose I am too sensitive to those who want to criticize any attempt to make things better. I feel like the people who used to blame their problems on blacks and jews now blame big government for their problems. I want to tell them to shut up. I want to bully them. It just makes me sad. I believe this is going to happen, and when it does I need to make sure I don't carry a grudge. It's just really hard for me to see the other side of the argument. I know there has to be a balance in life, and generally I only see one side of things. I need to be more understanding. I wish there were more I could do to promote understanding. I suppose that this is the way life is, and I just need to get used to it. It is said that we are ruled by controversy and healed by passion. I hope that I can make this a learning experience. This may be an important moment in our history. I hope I use it wisely.
It is the classic cliche to say that you can't legislate morality. I suppose I am too sensitive to those who want to criticize any attempt to make things better. I feel like the people who used to blame their problems on blacks and jews now blame big government for their problems. I want to tell them to shut up. I want to bully them. It just makes me sad. I believe this is going to happen, and when it does I need to make sure I don't carry a grudge. It's just really hard for me to see the other side of the argument. I know there has to be a balance in life, and generally I only see one side of things. I need to be more understanding. I wish there were more I could do to promote understanding. I suppose that this is the way life is, and I just need to get used to it. It is said that we are ruled by controversy and healed by passion. I hope that I can make this a learning experience. This may be an important moment in our history. I hope I use it wisely.
Bibi’s Tense Time-Out - Readers' Comments -
Bibi’s Tense Time-Out - Readers' Comments -
If there is any people in the world who can relate to the sorry state of the Palestinian people, homeless, despised, desperate, and eternally desirous of autonomy, it should be Israelis. It is beyond ironic that they, of all peoples, not only don't acknowledge this connection, but seek to perpetuate and exacerbate the egregious conditions Palestinians find themselves in.
Bowling Green, KY
If there is any people in the world who can relate to the sorry state of the Palestinian people, homeless, despised, desperate, and eternally desirous of autonomy, it should be Israelis. It is beyond ironic that they, of all peoples, not only don't acknowledge this connection, but seek to perpetuate and exacerbate the egregious conditions Palestinians find themselves in.
Bowling Green, KY
YouTube - Inhofe - Gore's Like An Ostrich With His Head In The Sand
YouTube - Inhofe - Gore's Like An Ostrich With His Head In The Sand
This is today's conservatism in a nutshell. All it is is projection. Take the truth about yourself and say it about your opposition. Talk about being on the wrong side of history! Why is this guy clinging so desperately to the past? What about the people who elected him? What is it about America that we have so many of this type of person? I guess our romance with the frontier has turned around and bit us in the butt.
This is today's conservatism in a nutshell. All it is is projection. Take the truth about yourself and say it about your opposition. Talk about being on the wrong side of history! Why is this guy clinging so desperately to the past? What about the people who elected him? What is it about America that we have so many of this type of person? I guess our romance with the frontier has turned around and bit us in the butt.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
An open invitation to Howell Raines (New York Times) « Gretawire
An open invitation to Howell Raines (New York Times) « Gretawire
You're a loser and a sell out, Greta. Fox is an embarrassment. You know you're lying through your teeth. It's sad because you could have done a lot better. Even local news would have at least preserved your integrity. Now you're just going to fade away, the sooner the better
You're a loser and a sell out, Greta. Fox is an embarrassment. You know you're lying through your teeth. It's sad because you could have done a lot better. Even local news would have at least preserved your integrity. Now you're just going to fade away, the sooner the better
Friday, March 5, 2010
I'm a Medicare doctor. Here's what I make
Cry me a river. Doctors here make the most anywhere in the world. What they are is terrible businessmen. They do get screwed in school though. Who's fault is that? Who runs the medical schools? Doctors have gotten way off track. Are they getting into medicine as a way to get rich or make a differencee? Conservatives have warped everything they have touched. Currently they have their hands all over medicine. They're trying to do to it what they did to the financial sector. America needs to take a gut check. We are going to change. The question is which way.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
PostPartisan - The Dubai police chief's outlandish claims
PostPartisan - The Dubai police chief's outlandish claims
Why do they hate us? The fact is we know, and we don't care. We don't care until things don't go our way, and then we plead ignorance. Well, we're ignorant all right. We squander everything we've got. We back Israel's war crimes. We're so two faced it's sickening. I especially loved the inference that Dubai needs Israeli tourists. It's antisemitic to say jews are greedy, but it's okay to infer someone needs their money. Why do they hate us? Take a wild guess.
Why do they hate us? The fact is we know, and we don't care. We don't care until things don't go our way, and then we plead ignorance. Well, we're ignorant all right. We squander everything we've got. We back Israel's war crimes. We're so two faced it's sickening. I especially loved the inference that Dubai needs Israeli tourists. It's antisemitic to say jews are greedy, but it's okay to infer someone needs their money. Why do they hate us? Take a wild guess.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Local: In Marin : Conservatives to descend on Marin this weekend
Local: In Marin : Conservatives to descend on Marin this weekend
Wouldn't these people be happier in Texas? If they really want low taxes they should try Mexico. Why live here if you hate it? What they are really looking for is something to blame for their lousy lives. I wonder if the KKK will be looking to recruit these guys
Read more:>a=commentslistpos#commentslistpos#ixzz0h9EWWkhw
Wouldn't these people be happier in Texas? If they really want low taxes they should try Mexico. Why live here if you hate it? What they are really looking for is something to blame for their lousy lives. I wonder if the KKK will be looking to recruit these guys
Read more:>a=commentslistpos#commentslistpos#ixzz0h9EWWkhw
Starbucks asks not to be center of gun debate - Yahoo! News
Starbucks asks not to be center of gun debate - Yahoo! News
I used weapons in Vietnam. I saw where a macho attitude gets you. I'm so sick of these brain dead rednecks Thinking they're tough. If they want to show off their ability to kill human beings someone ought to take them up on it. Don't brag if you can't back it up. The way I see it if someone is brandishing a weapon they ought to be considered a threat and proper action should be taken. If someone wants to intimidate me I'll gladly take up the challenge. If they want to act like this is Somalia they ought to be treated like they are in Somalia. Maybe a few shoot outs would get people's heads back on straight. People going into Starbucks with a gun is insane. It's time to put an end to this crap
I used weapons in Vietnam. I saw where a macho attitude gets you. I'm so sick of these brain dead rednecks Thinking they're tough. If they want to show off their ability to kill human beings someone ought to take them up on it. Don't brag if you can't back it up. The way I see it if someone is brandishing a weapon they ought to be considered a threat and proper action should be taken. If someone wants to intimidate me I'll gladly take up the challenge. If they want to act like this is Somalia they ought to be treated like they are in Somalia. Maybe a few shoot outs would get people's heads back on straight. People going into Starbucks with a gun is insane. It's time to put an end to this crap
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Mayor to introduce 2 plans for sit/lie law today
Mayor to introduce 2 plans for sit/lie law today
It pains me like you wouldn't believe to side with the conservatives on this one. To have to listen to them bash the poor and them side with them is almost more than I can stand. People who defend sleeping on the side walk are just going too far even for me. Agreeing with the enemy hurts my soul. I would do anything to stick up for these poor people but telling them to rack out on the sidewalk isn't going to help anybody. So I have to let the conservatives win this one. I have found my limit.
Read more:
It pains me like you wouldn't believe to side with the conservatives on this one. To have to listen to them bash the poor and them side with them is almost more than I can stand. People who defend sleeping on the side walk are just going too far even for me. Agreeing with the enemy hurts my soul. I would do anything to stick up for these poor people but telling them to rack out on the sidewalk isn't going to help anybody. So I have to let the conservatives win this one. I have found my limit.
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