Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mayor to introduce 2 plans for sit/lie law today

Mayor to introduce 2 plans for sit/lie law today

It pains me like you wouldn't believe to side with the conservatives on this one. To have to listen to them bash the poor and them side with them is almost more than I can stand. People who defend sleeping on the side walk are just going too far even for me. Agreeing with the enemy hurts my soul. I would do anything to stick up for these poor people but telling them to rack out on the sidewalk isn't going to help anybody. So I have to let the conservatives win this one. I have found my limit.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article/comments/view?f=/c/a/2010/03/01/MNN91C9B2V.DTL&o=2#ixzz0h3TJyEZj

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