Wednesday, December 31, 2008
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.: "Hamas has no morals. How very conveinant. Isn't that what the nazis said about the jews? But they were liars. Weren't they? Hamas is being treated fairly. Aren't they? The world was behind Israel in 1948. Now they are against. I wonder why. Israel thinks God is on its side. I wouldn' be too sure of that. Where are the prophets when you need one?"
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Torat Ezra: Not much sympathy for Gazans
Torat Ezra: Not much sympathy for Gazans: "What is the end result going to be? Care to take a guess? Do you even care? Do you just like the revenge? When is Israel going to give up on the George Bush school of Diplomacy? Ever? Do you think if you kill half the Gazans the other half will behave?"
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The Raw Story | Israeli air strikes kill over 200 in Gaza
The Raw Story | Israeli air strikes kill over 200 in GazaI'm so unbelieveably sick of people complaining that Israel gets slammed. Israel deserved and got a free pass after WWII, but no good deed goes unpunished. It's time to pay up, and the cost is high. Israel can destroy itself if it isn't careful.
YouTube - Israel Attacks Gaza: World War 3 is Under Way!!!!!!!!
YouTube - Israel Attacks Gaza: World War 3 is Under Way!!!!!!!!: "Fighting homemade rockets with jet fighters and tanks is not a fair fight. Israel needs to get that through its thick head. It needs to start using a little finese and fairnes. Why it resists is beyond me. The right wing has Israel by the throat and is leading down the path to destruction."
YouTube - Gaza Under Attacks By Israel!!!!!!! WORLD WAR 3!!!
YouTube - Gaza Under Attacks By Israel!!!!!!! WORLD WAR 3!!!: "Sorry to say this plays into Hamas's hands by making them stronger. I know Israel had to do something, but they could have been smarter. I'm afraid they have only hurt themselves more. Why they can't see the bigger picture I can't understand."
Friday, December 26, 2008
Year In Review: Our Ten Favorite Comments of 2008
Year In Review: Our Ten Favorite Comments of 2008: "From Colonel Mustard in Steve Doocy Is The Only Person Still Thinking About Madonna's Breasts:
'Watching Fox and Friends is sort of like watching a bunch of witches sip coffee and have a good time while roasting children on a spit. Like, they almost seem normal, and you kind of forget how evil they are for a second, and then one of them is picking baby out of their teeth with a rib bone.'"
'Watching Fox and Friends is sort of like watching a bunch of witches sip coffee and have a good time while roasting children on a spit. Like, they almost seem normal, and you kind of forget how evil they are for a second, and then one of them is picking baby out of their teeth with a rib bone.'"
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Obama’s inauguration: Newsmax slams Elizabeth Alexander « Notes from Evil Bender
Obama’s inauguration: Newsmax slams Elizabeth Alexander « Notes from Evil Bender: "Really, if Newsmax had liked her then there would have been something to worry about. I was actually watching Fox noise when the polls closed in California, and the right wing said how much they were behind Barack. It made want to puke. There are conservatives I truly respect and love to hear from. Then there are these guys, the McCarthy wing. I truly believe there are two sides to everything. It’s too bad when the other side is so easily led astray"
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Revealed: Unpublished Fed Document Highlights Costly Rebuilding Blunders in Iraq | War on Iraq | AlterNet
Revealed: Unpublished Fed Document Highlights Costly Rebuilding Blunders in Iraq | War on Iraq | AlterNet: "The harsh reality is that this was not a noble undertaking done for good reasons. It was a criminal enterprise launched by madmen cheered on by a chorus of fools and cowards. And it’s seen as such by virtually everyone all around the world — including but by no means limited to the Arab world"
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Matthew Yglesias » Taxes and Inequality
Matthew Yglesias » Taxes and InequalityOur idea of fairness keeps changing. When the economy is terrible fairness rules, and the economy improves. Eventually, however, we develope compassion fatigue as we did under Carter, and our idea of fairness becomes more conservative until the economy crashes and we begin again.
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Hill Blog» Blog Archive » Legalizing Marijuana Tops Obama Online Poll
The Hill Blog» Blog Archive » Legalizing Marijuana Tops Obama Online Poll: "“Will you consider legalizing marijuana so that the government can regulate it, tax it, put age limits on it, and create millions of new jobs and create a billion dollar industry right here in the U.S.?”"
There Is A Sickness in the Senate
There Is A Sickness in the Senate: "Bob Corker is definitionally one of the most traitorous and despicable human beings ever to track slime across the floors of the Senate. He is attempting to take advantage of the financial crisis to literally dismantle the American middle class. He is beneath the contempt with which partisans regard even their most radical and craven domestic political opponents. And to see three of the most prominent leaders of the party that portrays itself as the party of working Americans line up to commend this sanctimonious puppet of big money, this enemy of working Americans . . . well, it's disgusting. There's really no other word for it.
There is a sickness in the Senate if the people who are supposed to fight for working Americans have anything but utter revulsion for Bob Corker."
There is a sickness in the Senate if the people who are supposed to fight for working Americans have anything but utter revulsion for Bob Corker."
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.: "Excuse me, but from what I see it is apartheid plain and simple. How can you miss it? Are we looking at the same thing? We have one side with planes and tanks and nuclear weapons, and we have the other side with suicide bombers. You call this a fair fight? Give me a break! This is a slaughter! And the USA supports it big time! This whole thing is beyond belief, and I'm bashing the Jews? They treat the palistineans the way the nazis treated the"
Sunday, December 14, 2008
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.: "You know, I am being racist the same way they practice apartheid is being racist. I don't like being this way, but this crap has gone on long enough. It's time to call a spade a spade. These people are killing themselves and the palistineans with their paranoia. They think they have some divine right and they talk about nuclear holocaust if Iran gets the bomb. You tell me where antisemitism begins"
YouTube - Reaganomics Is THE Reason For Our Current Financial Disaster
YouTube - Reaganomics Is THE Reason For Our Current Financial Disaster: "We have gone, when Reagan came into office we were the largest exporter of manufactured goods and the largest importer of raw materials on the planet. And the largest creditor. More people owed us money than anybody else in the world. Now just twenty eight years later we're the largest importer of finished goods, manufactured goods, exporter of raw materials which is kind of the definition of a third world nation and we're the most in debt of any country in the world. This is the absolute consequence of Reaganomics."
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Blogger: AMERICA WEEPS - Post a Comment
Blogger: AMERICA WEEPS - Post a Comment: "We now actually have a use for Guantanamo Bay. Put these low lifes down there until we can try them for treason."
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Commentary » Blog Archive » Obama Must Be Forthcoming
Commentary » Blog Archive » Obama Must Be ForthcomingIt has been interesting to see most of the conservative blogs slobber with anticipation at the thought of scandal. I was so surprised right after the election how they all let bygones be bygones and wished Obama the best. Were they lying then, or are they lying now? I know it is way too much to ask that we all work together. Still, we could try to be a little less decietful.
YouTube - Killer Chic: Hollywood's Sick Love Affair with Che Guevara
YouTube - Killer Chic: Hollywood's Sick Love Affair with Che is just a big hater. Hate this. Hate that. It's conservative so it really hates commies most of all. It wouldn't know the truth if it hit it in the face. Take a chill pill. Get some therapy. Love your neighbor. A strong national defense does not cure everything.
AP: ‘America’s Battered Image Among Muslims’ All Bush’s Fault — But What About 9/11? | Latest Technology News - Business News And Expert Advice
AP: ‘America’s Battered Image Among Muslims’ All Bush’s Fault — But What About 9/11? | Latest Technology News - Business News And Expert Advice9/11 was carried out by a terrorist organization not by the muslim world. Your need to hate a whole religion shows a deep insecurity. Doesn't conservatism in general reflect this same tendency?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Eye On The World: Obama rehires Samantha "US should invade Israel" Powers as his advisor
Eye On The World: Obama rehires Samantha "US should invade Israel" Powers as his advisorCongradulations, your blog showed up at the top of google blog search. Love your motto. Love Samatha Powers and Hillary Clinton. Don't love Israel so much. Love the Palistineans. They remind me of the native americans. They're hard to help. Maybe we could give them all casinos.
Friday, November 28, 2008
YouTube - India gun control enabled Mumbai massacre
YouTube - India gun control enabled Mumbai massacre: "This is so disgusting as to be beyond belief. People are going to carry weapons on vacation in case there is a terror attack? Muslim extremisms are crazy, but american gun nuts are right up there with them. It makes me sick to be in the same country with them. They need to be stopped at any cost. They would rather die than give up their precious assault rifles. It just shows how far america has gone over the edge since Reagan."
Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - Ideas for Changing America: Vacant Houses - Homeless People : How hard can it be? - Ideas for Changing America: Vacant Houses - Homeless People : How hard can it be?: "Vacant Houses - Homeless People : How hard can it be?
I saw the head of the FDIC tell congress he thought it was a good idea to tear down some houses to raise the cost of others. Since when was affordable housing a bad thing? What has gone wrong in this country? Can people no longer speak the truth? People have gotten so greedy our economy is falling apart. Let us turn it around by showing some honor to the poorest among us"
I saw the head of the FDIC tell congress he thought it was a good idea to tear down some houses to raise the cost of others. Since when was affordable housing a bad thing? What has gone wrong in this country? Can people no longer speak the truth? People have gotten so greedy our economy is falling apart. Let us turn it around by showing some honor to the poorest among us" - Ideas for Changing America: Differences as to what makes america great - Ideas for Changing America: Differences as to what makes america great: "The great thing about democracy and civilization in general is that it is self correcting. If it gets a little too far off course one way it will get pulled back the other way. Within limits the same can be said for the economy. We are now experiencing one of those corrections. We need to determine a few things. Do we value things over people? Do we value the past over the future, and do we value our comfort over the earth? This is like asking to choose between yourself and others. Rugged individualism has its place, but this seems to be a time to pull together. So let our differences continue. Our diversity is our strength. But for now let us acknowledge we are in the middle of a correction. Government should reflect this. Congress is still going to bicker. It can't be helped. Bureaucrats will still be motionless. They can't be moved. But the president has some latitude. My idea is to come up with a propaganda department like they did in WWII. Work harder! Use less! Give more! Make a lot of posters, advertisements, web pages, etc.. Get a lot of feedback. Go from there. I guess you're already doing it with this very web page now that I think about it. Still, you could be less subtle. Anyway, That's what I think. Take it for what it's worth."
Criminal Justice - Profits Soar for Private Prisons
Criminal Justice - Profits Soar for Private Prisons: "I think this country's immigration's laws are disgraceful. The way conservatives cater to big business'es need to cheap labor, and then turn around and say we are being invaded makes me want to puke. They keep getting away with it however, and the poor keep ending up in jail because of it. When is this country going to rise up and say, 'Enough!' It's the person who hires the illegal that goes to jail. We need some rich people in prison, and instantly there would be no more problem"
Monday, November 24, 2008
YouTube - Alex Jones End the Fed Interview
YouTube - Alex Jones End the Fed Interview: "This guy is sicker than Joe McCarthy. I really feel sorry for his followers. There's gotta be more to life than this. Try a little harder guys. You can do better than this. This is just stupid. It's nuts. It's all gonna go away. Nothing you're doing is improving anything. Alex Jones is Sean Hannity without any political affiliation. He's goin' no where. Believe me. I hate to see good people waste their time so blatantly"
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Blogger: Marathon Pundit - Post a Comment
Blogger: Marathon Pundit - Post a Comment: "Harry Reid should have been down there campaigning against him. That's how Tom Dashle lost. The two senators from maine will vote with the democrats if they know what's good for them. There are others too. I can't wait to see the first filibuster."
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I’m Convinced | Reconstitution 2.0
I’m Convinced | Reconstitution 2.0Detroit management would rather go belly up than give up control just like Lehman Brothers. It's all over but the crying. I despise those guys so much. I'm curious as to how they got so evil
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Belmont Club » The Zogby Poll#comment-22788#comment-22788
Belmont Club » The Zogby Poll#comment-22788#comment-22788: "Just keep kidding yourself. It’s like drinking. You’ll bottom out eventually. Liberals can’t rule forever. You couldn’t. You are acting like idiots"
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Washington Monthly
The Washington Monthly: "'[W]e will be reading for years about the strong media 'bias' against McCain when it was mainly (although perhaps not completely) a matter of Obama leading the horse race and getting credit for that by reporters who were, surprise, not deaf, dumb and blind,' Mitchell noted. 'Does anyone doubt that if McCain had roared to the lead in October and stayed ahead until the end that the results of the studies would have been completely different? Yes, the press is biased -- in favor of recognizing who is winning and stating that perhaps too often"
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
People Who Have Wealth Will Be Required to Give It Away | BigMouthFrog
People Who Have Wealth Will Be Required to Give It Away | BigMouthFrog: "Liberals never gave Bush a chance. Conservative are doing the same to Obama. For some reason I like to see the fear in conservatives eyes. Teddy Roosevelt introduced the graduated income tax a hundred years ago. Now it's socialism. Conservatives have gone over a cliff. They have become hysterical. Don't worry eventually liberals will do the same. Remember Abby Hoffman, Jerry Rubin and Stokley Carmichael? George McGovern's own son wouldn't vote for him because he wasn't liberal enough."
Monday, November 10, 2008
YouTube - HEY KIDS! FOLLOW ME & DO EXACTLY AS YOU SEE! Seattle News: "The DEA and the people that support it have lost so much credibility. These people are some of the most despised people in our society. Hypocrisy is one of the worst problems in our society, and these people are regarded as some of the worst hypocrites of all."
World Shelters
World Shelters: "“To make the world work for 100% of humanity
In the shortest possible time
Through spontaneous cooperation
Without ecological offense
Or the disadvantage of anyone.”
R. Buckminster Fuller“
In the shortest possible time
Through spontaneous cooperation
Without ecological offense
Or the disadvantage of anyone.”
R. Buckminster Fuller“
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Secret Service: Palin Responsible For Death Threats Against Obama | PoliticalArticles.NET
Secret Service: Palin Responsible For Death Threats Against Obama | PoliticalArticles.NET: "Sarah Palin’s attacks on Barack Obama’s patriotism provoked a spike in death threats against the future president, Secret Service agents revealed during the final weeks of the campaign.
The attacks provoked a near lynch mob atmosphere at her rallies, with supporters yelling ‘terrorist‘ and ‘kill him‘ until the McCain campaign ordered her to tone down the rhetoric."
But it has now emerged that her demagogic tone may have unintentionally encouraged white supremacists to go even further.
The Secret Service warned the Obama family in mid October that they had seen a dramatic increase in the number of threats against the Democratic candidate, coinciding with Mrs Palin’s attacks.
Michelle Obama, the future First Lady, was so upset that she turned to her friend and campaign adviser Valerie Jarrett and said: ‘Why would they try to make people hate us?
The attacks provoked a near lynch mob atmosphere at her rallies, with supporters yelling ‘terrorist‘ and ‘kill him‘ until the McCain campaign ordered her to tone down the rhetoric."
But it has now emerged that her demagogic tone may have unintentionally encouraged white supremacists to go even further.
The Secret Service warned the Obama family in mid October that they had seen a dramatic increase in the number of threats against the Democratic candidate, coinciding with Mrs Palin’s attacks.
Michelle Obama, the future First Lady, was so upset that she turned to her friend and campaign adviser Valerie Jarrett and said: ‘Why would they try to make people hate us?
Friday, November 7, 2008
Political Animal: Comment on Blaming GOP 'moderates'
Political Animal: Comment on Blaming GOP 'moderates': "Doesn't the Southern Poverty Law Center consider The Family Research Council an extremist organization? Now that's conservative."
Respectful Insolence: Comment on Say it ain't so, Barack! Say you ain't seriously considering Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to run the EPA!
Respectful Insolence: Comment on Say it ain't so, Barack! Say you ain't seriously considering Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to run the EPA!: "just can't believe you guys compare Kennedy to the Bush Administation. Give me a break! Where are you guys coming from? Do you want the Bush mentality back. Sure autism is a hard issue to deal with. Remember the refrigerator mothers. Kennedy would be absolutely terrific. For you guys to turn your back on him makes me think you value ideology over science. I can't believe it, but what else am I suppose to think? You're afraid Kennedy would change things. I really had more respect for you.
Posted by: Craig Travis | November 7, 2008 2:08 PM"
Posted by: Craig Travis | November 7, 2008 2:08 PM"
Harry Reid To Punish Joe Lieberman for Supporting McCain « America’s Watchtower
Harry Reid To Punish Joe Lieberman for Supporting McCain « America’s Watchtower: "Why does Lieberman want to stay a democrat? Look at Jim Jeffords of Vermont. Don' t tell me the democrats aren't being more bipartisan that the wing nut GOP. But all you can do is gripe, and really it's all you're good at. I know I need to be more tolerant.I must admit I was extremely impressed the way the most vile pundits congradulated Obama. But Limbaugh has called him and his chief of staff thugs. I mean is there any getting along with you guys? You blame the media the way that cheaters blame the referees. Your day will come again. Six years after Nixon you came up with Reagan. It was a different situation after Hoover. So I do wish you well. I know the two parties are in competition with each other. We should try to keep it civil. Look at the way conservatives are ready to take power in Britian again, except now they use the word progressive.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Blogger: Devon Lohan Entertainment - Post a Comment
Blogger: Devon Lohan Entertainment - Post a Comment: "You can be bitter if you like. McCain could have made this a lot closer by making it about race. I am sure Obama is greatful that he didn't. There is a duty to those that disagree to oppose Obama. Democracy is a self correcting system. It takes two sides. Let us be as straight forward as possible. We all win when the nation and the world prospers."
Monday, November 3, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Author of 'Lightworker' Obama Lavishes More Cultish Adulation Upon 'The One' |
Author of 'Lightworker' Obama Lavishes More Cultish Adulation Upon 'The One' | "I've heard from far too many enormously smart, wise, spiritually attuned people who've been intuitively blown away by Obama's presence...
Many spiritually advanced people I know identify Obama as a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who has the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment. These kinds of people actually help us evolve. They are philosophers and peacemakers of a very high order, and they speak not just to reason or emotion, but to the soul.
The unusual thing is, true Lightworkers almost never appear on such a brutal, spiritually demeaning stage as national politics. This is why Obama is so rare.
Those attuned to energies beyond the literal meanings of things, these people say JFK wasn't assassinated for any typical reason you can name. It's because he was just this kind of high-vibration being, a peacemaker, at odds with the war machine, the CIA, the dark side. And it killed him."
Many spiritually advanced people I know identify Obama as a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who has the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment. These kinds of people actually help us evolve. They are philosophers and peacemakers of a very high order, and they speak not just to reason or emotion, but to the soul.
The unusual thing is, true Lightworkers almost never appear on such a brutal, spiritually demeaning stage as national politics. This is why Obama is so rare.
Those attuned to energies beyond the literal meanings of things, these people say JFK wasn't assassinated for any typical reason you can name. It's because he was just this kind of high-vibration being, a peacemaker, at odds with the war machine, the CIA, the dark side. And it killed him."
YouTube - A Citizen's Response To The Obama-mercial - Part II of III
YouTube - A Citizen's Response To The Obama-mercial - Part II of III: "I like to watch mouthpiece because I feel he is representive of the current conservative ideology. This is what people are tired of. They got tired of Joe McCarthy. They got tired of Morton Downey Jr., and they are tired of this. So Rupert Murdock, don't you really need to retire? The rest of you need to climb back under that rock you climbed out from under when Reagan was elected. You have done evil and have become evil."
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Obama, the Wealth Spreader - TIME
Obama, the Wealth Spreader - TIME: "We may disagree on how much to spread around and how to go about it"We all tend to think that it's someone else's wealth that needs to be spread around and that it ought to be spread in our direction. But the principle that the unequal distribution of wealth is a legitimate concern and government policies should mitigate it has been part of American democracy since at least the New Deal. In fact, it is a commonplace that the moderate wealth-spreading of the New Deal saved American democracy. Today collecting checks from people and issuing checks to other people--or the same people--is the government's main domestic activity.
Although it was an off-the-cuff remark and one that Obama probably regrets, he actually put it well, avoiding the suggestion of envy or class war, which are the usual accusations about such talk. Spreading it around is "good for everybody," he says. And who disagrees? Or would you like to live behind locked gates and hire guards to protect your family from kidnapping, as in places where they spread it around even less than here?
Although it was an off-the-cuff remark and one that Obama probably regrets, he actually put it well, avoiding the suggestion of envy or class war, which are the usual accusations about such talk. Spreading it around is "good for everybody," he says. And who disagrees? Or would you like to live behind locked gates and hire guards to protect your family from kidnapping, as in places where they spread it around even less than here?
YouTube - Obama's Working American
YouTube - Obama's Working American: "You guys have said that george bush is and was a great prsident.
Why should anyone care about your comment on obama"
You've said it all in a nutshell. I couldn't agree with you more. I guess we all have our blind spots. Not taking others personally seems to be the key
Why should anyone care about your comment on obama"
You've said it all in a nutshell. I couldn't agree with you more. I guess we all have our blind spots. Not taking others personally seems to be the key
Obama's illegal immigrant aunt problem: The Swamp
Obama's illegal immigrant aunt problem: The Swamp: "The rich don't live off of anybody else, but the poor do. I love it! It's all so convienant. Maybe he who has the gold doesn't always get to make the rules. It's he who has the votes. Does that scare you wing nuts? It should because you got some 'splainin' to do. Your fifteen minutes is up. Beg for mercy. It will be good for your soul."
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
China wants one world currency?
China wants one world currency?: "Is world government a bad thing? What am I missing here? Yeah, we had a 700 billion dollar bailout, but the week before we spent 600 billion on defense. Why doesn't anybody complain about that? Some people would lose under world government. I just don't feel like those would be our best people. Our best people would gain. We have fifty states. Just think if the 200 countries of the world got along like the fifty states. There would be a lot less killing. What's more important than that?"
Monday, October 27, 2008
Hey, Sarah Palin, there are real American heroes, even here in New York City
Hey, Sarah Palin, there are real American heroes, even here in New York City: ".
This is not just the end of one of the dumbest, meanest Republican campaigns in history. It is also the most divisive. It is no longer liberals vs. conservatives, one ideology against another, one party against the other.
It is Us vs. Them.
If you listen closely to this coded talk about small-town America and small-town values, you wonder how someone like Taylor - if he had been following this campaign instead of fighting for his country - wouldn't have started to get the idea that he was somehow one of Them."
This is not just the end of one of the dumbest, meanest Republican campaigns in history. It is also the most divisive. It is no longer liberals vs. conservatives, one ideology against another, one party against the other.
It is Us vs. Them.
If you listen closely to this coded talk about small-town America and small-town values, you wonder how someone like Taylor - if he had been following this campaign instead of fighting for his country - wouldn't have started to get the idea that he was somehow one of Them."
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Let Freedom Ring » Blog Archive » Obama-Biden Whine Because Reporter Asked Real Questions
Let Freedom Ring » Blog Archive » Obama-Biden Whine Because Reporter Asked Real Questions: "You want tough questions? Let's ask McCain why his crowd has gone off the deep end. Let's argue about impeachment. Really hasn't the GOP gotten rather rascist? What about his affair? Shouldn't he really have gone to jail for the keating five? How about his wife? His brother? How about the greed he encourages? Are rough questions really what we want? Let's get the National Enquirer front and center. It's called desperation. It's a scorched earth policy. Is this what you want to be remembered for? Will that really help you in the long run? Conservatives have a long row to hoe. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time."
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Agitator
The Agitator: "'What I am constantly trying to do,' he added, 'is balance a hard head with a big heart.'"
George W. Bush has done us all a favor | Capitol Hill Blue
George W. Bush has done us all a favor | Capitol Hill Blue: "As crazy as it sounds, I believe we now have none other than George W. Bush to thank for most of Mr. Obama's surging popularity.
With eight years of Bush and his neocon Cabal running around the world starting endless 'holy wars' based on non-existent WMDs, Americans have now gotten a good, 'up close and personal' chance to see what a Theocracy looks like.
That is, over the last eight years, the Republican Party has done us all an odd -- if unintentional -- service by showing us in practice exactly what the Founding Fathers feared most and tried to prevent when they created our nation.
What we've been witnessing is nothing less than the Republican Party's complete takeover by the evangelical religious right and their unabashed attempt to turn the United States of America into a Christian Theocracy."
With eight years of Bush and his neocon Cabal running around the world starting endless 'holy wars' based on non-existent WMDs, Americans have now gotten a good, 'up close and personal' chance to see what a Theocracy looks like.
That is, over the last eight years, the Republican Party has done us all an odd -- if unintentional -- service by showing us in practice exactly what the Founding Fathers feared most and tried to prevent when they created our nation.
What we've been witnessing is nothing less than the Republican Party's complete takeover by the evangelical religious right and their unabashed attempt to turn the United States of America into a Christian Theocracy."
Israel's Not-So-Future Perfect - by Leon Hadar
Israel's Not-So-Future Perfect - by Leon Hadar: "In some respects, Israel's ties with the United States are starting to resemble the relationship between the old political and economic elites and the Jewish community in Europe during the nineteenth century. As Hannah Arendt observed in her classic study of European anti-Semitism, it was the erosion in the power of those elites – and their growing inability to protect the Jews of Europe – that sealed the latter's fate. Then, new and angry social classes and political players turned their frustration against the group they associated with the hated status quo – a group that was also very vulnerable.
Today, a similar scenario could take place on an international scale, when a weaker and less confident United States would be under pressure at home and abroad to reduce its global commitments. This would leave Israel, the weakest link, vulnerable to attacks not only from Arab and Muslim nations, but from other new anti-status quo powers."
Today, a similar scenario could take place on an international scale, when a weaker and less confident United States would be under pressure at home and abroad to reduce its global commitments. This would leave Israel, the weakest link, vulnerable to attacks not only from Arab and Muslim nations, but from other new anti-status quo powers."
Friday, October 24, 2008
YouTube - Bachmann: "Not All Cultures Are Equal"
YouTube - Bachmann: "Not All Cultures Are Equal": "Can this woman be more insulting? It's her tribe that needs to be diminished and treated as not equal. I feel sorry for her. She has a rough road ahead. The reason she got this way, however, is that she has had it too good for too long. She now thinks she deserves it all because she is just superior to other people. Rots of Ruck"
YouTube - Obama Time
YouTube - Obama Time: "I've been waiting since McGovern for moments like these. This is a true ideological election. Reaganism is dead. There are tough times ahead, but at least we are finally heading in the right direction."
Vets for Freedom
Vets for Freedom: "I am a disabled vietnam veteran. I mean you no harm. For some reason I am compelled to tell you that it is exactly your philosophy that gets us into these unspeakable horrors. I know you believe in what you're doing. I know there are two sides to everything, and change doesn't come easy. But someday your way of doing things will be extinct, and the world will be a better place for it. I am putting everything I have into reaching that day. I probably won't see it in my life time. That doesn't mean it isn't worth pursuing. Thank you for your time."
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 | BlogCentral | BlogCentral: "It's not often I see someone speak the truth on this subject. We will leave sooner or later. There is no victory to be had here. Bin Laden lives in a nice villa in Pakistan. All our bloodletting has been in vain. Such is the value of right wing ideology"
Monday, October 20, 2008
YouTube - Why not spread the wealth?
YouTube - Why not spread the wealth?: "I'm from Norway, we have been spreading the wealth around since the sixties, and now we are the richest country on earth. We have free healthcare paid by taxes and as a result the people are happy and we have time and energy to try to spread peace around the world with the nobel price as well as the wealth. Look to Norway, as famously Roosevelt said"
YouTube - Why not spread the wealth?
YouTube - Why not spread the wealth?: "Thank you so much for this video. But this is class warfare. Sometimes class warfare is good! The middle class have sided with the rich since the Reagan revolution. Now we need to go the other way without apology. If valueing work over wealth is socialism then socialism is what we need."
Saturday, October 18, 2008
YouTube - A REAL HUGO CHAVEZ MOMENT! Jonathan Turley
YouTube - A REAL HUGO CHAVEZ MOMENT! Jonathan Turley: "conservatives think this is their right. He who cheats the best should be elected. The world is a terrible place, and the person that cheats the best will make the best protector for america. Conservatives who take pride in their ignorance think it is foolish to be moral. It really is a criminal mentality"
YouTube - Rep. Michelle Bachmann Is A Crazy Bitch
YouTube - Rep. Michelle Bachmann Is A Crazy Bitch: "We need a reeducation camp. In the Soviet Union they put people in mental wars for their political opinions. People like this make you understand why. I bet she is a fan of the turner diaries. Cynthia McKinny got elected so I guess this worthless individual can to. I do feel sorry for the people that voted for her. Radicalizing the agenda just helps the other side. We'll probably get liberals now saying conservatives are unamerican for supporting this wacko"
YouTube - 100,000 Rally for Obama in the Swing State of Missouri!
YouTube - 100,000 Rally for Obama in the Swing State of Missouri!: "I love how they claim Obama is unamerican because he is socialistic. Who gets to determine what america is? If Obama is socialistic then Reaganism was fascistic because it transfered wealth from the poor to the rich. But that was okay, wasn't it? It was patriotic because it made america stronger. Americans have believed the biggest line of crap for 30 years. Somehow they believed they were being better people. Really they were being chumps"
Thursday, October 16, 2008
YouTube - Religious Police Sentence Woman to Death for Witchcraft
YouTube - Religious Police Sentence Woman to Death for Witchcraft: "This is the religous right in action. We criticise it in other countries, but we tolerate it in our own but not forever. There is a new day dawning. We are waking up from our dark ages."
YouTube - Lets Talk About Meth and Other Drugs
YouTube - Lets Talk About Meth and Other Drugs: "The trick is to make drugs boring. Prohibition makes them fascinating. Reaganism and the meaness that went with is fading. Hopefully we can come to our senses about drugs"
Europe mocks 'half-baked Alaskan' Palin -
Europe mocks 'half-baked Alaskan' Palin - "Why should we be like the Europeans? If we like to be ignorant and kill each other for fun then that's our right. America is for americans not europeans. We have our idea of the good life, and they have theirs. Who's to say who's right. Just because we inflict ourselves on other countries doesn't give other countries a right to inflict themselves on us. We are an independent nation. We don't have to get along with anybody. We spend more on defense than the rest of the world combined. Nobody can tell us what to do. If we want to treat our poor like dirt it is our right. We can be as bad as we want to be. The rest of the world can go to hell."
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Political Perceptions : Political Wisdom: Should Palin be ‘Pleased’ Over Troopergate?
Political Perceptions : Political Wisdom: Should Palin be ‘Pleased’ Over Troopergate?: "‘The Bush years have all the appearance of a Greek tragedy. Greed, hubris, and short-sighted pursuit of political advantage have been placed in the pressure cooker and the heat turned on high. The result is not that it would boil over but that it would explode. The economic empire is unraveling quietly but at a faster and faster clip. This process will eventually knock out the underpinnings of American military power and bring about a major reduction in overseas entanglements. This is to say that just as the deleveraging in financial assets has turned into an uncontrollable process, so, too, may the unwinding of the US strategic-military networks.’"
Saturday, October 11, 2008
YouTube - Obama's Radical Friends Exposed 4/6- Hannity's America
YouTube - Obama's Radical Friends Exposed 4/6- Hannity's America: "Jeremiah Wright is a great man. 'God Damn America!' If america knew how to get down on its knees and beg forgiveness maybe Atta wouldn't have had to hit us with a plane. Who knows what else is going to have to happen to us before we learn."
YouTube - Obama's Radical Friends Exposed 3/6- Hannity's America
YouTube - Obama's Radical Friends Exposed 3/6- Hannity's America: "Dealing with innuendo is like fighting with a pig. You have to get down in the mud and the pig will like it. It doesn't bother Hannity or Limbaugh when they are insulted. They like it. They know they're in the game when someone goes after them. They seem to be addicted to crisis. Yet they hold themselves up as an example of the way people should be"
Friday, October 10, 2008
Money Beat
Money Beat: "When we help the poor we have help the good ones as well as the bad ones. Now we have to punish the rich, both the good ones and the bad ones."
YouTube - Asian Markets Tumble During Friday Trading
YouTube - Asian Markets Tumble During Friday Trading: "Republicans have always been the party of small government and less regulation. Now they are also the party that can't own up to their failures"
YouTube - Barack Obama's Smoking Problem
YouTube - Barack Obama's Smoking Problem: "Nobody ever talks about it, but someone has to. Barack is a cross between Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy. We know how they died"
Monday, October 6, 2008
YouTube - Americans and reality
YouTube - Americans and reality: "This is such a good video. It is truly rare to see such accuracy. This is exactly why we are in the position we are in. Democracy is a self correcting system. We became politically exhausted with liberalism by the end of the seventies. Thus entered Ronald Reagan and the present period of conservatism"
The Hindu News Update Service
The Hindu News Update Service: "there are certainly clear parallels between the present crisis and events of eight decades ago. In both cases, the economic collapse came after a period of political dominance by the Republican party. The 1920s saw three successive Republican politicians elected to the White House: Warren G Harding, Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover. These administrations shared a fervent commitment to laissez faire capitalism, encouraging growth through tax cuts, low interest rates and minimum business regulation. Coolidge encapsulated Republican faith in the free market economy in the aphoristic observation: 'The business of America is business"
Sunday, October 5, 2008
YouTube - Why Doesn't America have Single-Payer Health Insurance?
YouTube - Why Doesn't America have Single-Payer Health Insurance?: "We don't have single payer because we have let america fall into a time warp under 28 years of fascist conservative rule. We've let them talk about balanced budgets yet run up incredible debt. It has been an era of evil lies. America has put its head in the sand every since Ronald RayGun. Impeaching a president over sex? Give me a break! This will be remembered as a bleak period in america's history, but the rich had a ball, and the rednecks had a good time kidding themselves"
by me
by me
Saturday, October 4, 2008
YouTube - Bruce Springsteen Performs "The Rising" for Obama Rally!

YouTube - Bruce Springsteen Performs "The Rising" for Obama Rally!: "We need to hold on to these thoughts for the next thirty days. Things are going to get rough. The air will be filled with Reverend Wright, William Ayres and Tony Rezko. It's like fighting with a pig. We'll have to get down in the mud, and the pig will like it."
Friday, October 3, 2008
Raising the white flag of surrender to Medicare - Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog

Raising the white flag of surrender to Medicare - Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog: "Operation Coffeecup — a campaign organized by the American Medical Association to block the passage of Medicare. Doctors’ wives were supposed to organize coffee klatches for patients, where they would play the Reagan recording, which declared that Medicare would lead us to totalitarianism"
YouTube - Charlie Rose - Warren Buffett
YouTube - Charlie Rose - Warren Buffett: "This is the end of Reaganomics. Thank God! The sixties gave us the eighties. The eighties gave us what we have now. The fascist conservatives can climb back under the rock they came out from under, and life can go on, finally."
Monday, September 29, 2008
Just a Rant

I love how conservatives can never take the blame for anything. Just once I wish they could stand up and say, "We blew it. We took the whole thing too far, and it fell in our face." Just once be a man. But lying is how they get elected. First it was Lee Atwater. Then it was Karl Rove. Look how Reagan cut taxes, increased defense spending, ran up the deficit and called for a balanced budget. Look how Fox news calls itself fair and balanced. Give me a break.
McCain blames Democrats for bailout defeat - 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog - Political Intelligence -
McCain blames Democrats for bailout defeat - 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog - Political Intelligence - "Let the extremism commence. Let's radicalize the agenda as much as possible. Some will suffer, but some will gain. At least it will be interesting"
Friday, September 26, 2008
Behind The News - 9/26/08 - New York News and Tri-State News -
Behind The News - 9/26/08 - New York News and Tri-State News - "Since the press are just a big bunch of liars McLame can make up any excuse he wants and call it the truth. And we wonder how we went so wrong"
Your backyard nuclear plant will be ready in five years | Blog | Futurismic

Your backyard nuclear plant will be ready in five years | Blog | Futurismic: "Energy crisis? What energy crisis? You’ll be laughing all night in your floodlit garden under the gaze of your jealous fossil-fuel using neighbours once you’ve got Hyperion’s clean, safe and portable[1] backyard nuclear reactor up and running!Energy crisis? What energy crisis? You’ll be laughing all night in your floodlit garden under the gaze of your jealous fossil-fuel using neighbours once you’ve got Hyperion’s clean, safe and portable[1] backyard nuclear reactor up and running!"
ABC News: President Bush Pushes Bailout Plan; House Republicans Resist
ABC News: President Bush Pushes Bailout Plan; House Republicans Resist: "When the economy grinds to a halt and we have 25% unemployment will the no-bailout people be ready to stand up and take responsibility? I think not. These are the people that got us into this in the first place with their unregulated markets. Why is it these people perpetually mess things up and never have to pay? Their day has to be coming, and their punishment will be ugly. They will indeed deserve it. I don't know what the modern equivalent of the guillotine is, but it will be humming."
Thursday, September 25, 2008
YouTube - Mccain/Palin: Lies, lies, and more lies
YouTube - Mccain/Palin: Lies, lies, and more liesI just love the way conservatives think the distribution of wealth is fair. It used to be that the kings owned everything was that fair? I know life is not fair, but this is ridiculous.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
YouTube - Mosaic News - 9/22/08: World News from the Middle East
YouTube - Mosaic News - 9/22/08: World News from the Middle East: "Palistineans are like the native americans except that they don't die of disease and they reproduce"
Sunday, September 21, 2008
While Not Technically a Commission, Obama Will Huddle With Economic Advisers - From The Road
While Not Technically a Commission, Obama Will Huddle With Economic Advisers - From The Road: "McCain has no clue. The only thing he has going for him is that he will be dealing with a Democratic legislature. Generally I favor divided government. Why doesn't he point that out?"
Saturday, September 20, 2008
ABC News: The Fall of the Gilded Age
ABC News: The Fall of the Gilded Age: "I now realize that America only rewards, lies, deceit, and self-preservation. I will no longer try to get ahead by hard work and honesty. I will instead use my BBA to climb the corporate ladder, manipulate the market, lie to the average Joe about his 401K, and cheat to pump up worthless portfolios. Thanks to all the greedy pigs , morons, and Republican fascists who let them run amuck without regulationi !!!! I now have learned how America really works. It's sad, but true !!!"
Google billionaire lives with genetic timebomb - Times Online
Google billionaire lives with genetic timebomb - Times Online: "To me it is madness to not want to know There is always a chance of being able to do something about it. Animals live in ignorance not humans. Sure the tests are not very accurate yet, but you have to start somewhere. The medical profession has its head up its butt as usual."
Gov. Sarah Palin Speaks in Green Bay, Wisconsin -
Gov. Sarah Palin Speaks in Green Bay, Wisconsin - "Evolutionists Flock To Darwin-Shaped Wall Stain"
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
What Makes People Vote Republican? | Election 2008 | AlterNet#c1009462
What Makes People Vote Republican? | Election 2008 | AlterNet#c1009462: "Even though there is irrefutable evidence that Democratic policies lead to more equality and greater wealth at all income levels, the Republicans have been much better at framing economic policy in a way that is alarmist, simplistic and emotive: tax cuts, eliminating the 'death tax' and so on. They have also been better, until this year anyway, at creating an economic upswing in election years."
"A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged."
"A liberal is a conservative who has been hugged."
"A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged."
"A liberal is a conservative who has been hugged."
What Makes People Vote Republican? | Election 2008 | AlterNet
What Makes People Vote Republican? | Election 2008 | AlterNet: "Remember Enron? That was Republican leadership.
Remember high oil prices? That was Republican leadership.
Remember huge defense budgets? That was Republian leadership.
Remember the Savings and Loan scandal? That was Republican leadership.
Remember the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq? That was Republican leadership.
Remember soaring deficits and increased debt? That was Republican leadership.
Remember the 'tax cuts for the rich?' That was Republican leadership.
Remember the illegal wiretapping? That was Republican leadership.
Remember torture at Abu Grahib? That was Republican leadership."
Remember high oil prices? That was Republican leadership.
Remember huge defense budgets? That was Republian leadership.
Remember the Savings and Loan scandal? That was Republican leadership.
Remember the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq? That was Republican leadership.
Remember soaring deficits and increased debt? That was Republican leadership.
Remember the 'tax cuts for the rich?' That was Republican leadership.
Remember the illegal wiretapping? That was Republican leadership.
Remember torture at Abu Grahib? That was Republican leadership."
Barack Obama | Change We Need | Fundamentally Wrong
Barack Obama | Change We Need | Fundamentally Wrong: "Who would really be different?
Message [edit]How can a Republican say that he is going to be more different from the current administration than a Democrat would be? It just defies logic. Of course logic was the first causalty of this campaign. Republicans beat both Dukakis and Kerry using similar tactics. Americans have to see the light. If we don't we will surely pay"
Message [edit]How can a Republican say that he is going to be more different from the current administration than a Democrat would be? It just defies logic. Of course logic was the first causalty of this campaign. Republicans beat both Dukakis and Kerry using similar tactics. Americans have to see the light. If we don't we will surely pay"
Monday, September 15, 2008
Biden Calls McCain Out of Touch With Middle Class - America’s Election HQ
Biden Calls McCain Out of Touch With Middle Class - America’s Election HQRead it and weep you losers. You're going down. It's a great day for america. The hatemongers are finished. It has been another chapter in McCarthyism. Climb back under the rock you came from. It's too bad you ever saw the light of day in the first place
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Book Review - 'The Limits of Power - The End of American Exceptionalism,' by Andrew J. Bacevich - Review -
Book Review - 'The Limits of Power - The End of American Exceptionalism,' by Andrew J. Bacevich - Review - "In “The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism,” he argues that the country’s founding principle — freedom — has become confused with appetite, turning America’s traditional quest for liberty into an obsession with consumption, the never-ending search for more. To accommodate this hunger, pandering politicians have created an informal empire of supply, maintaining it through constant brush-fire wars"
In relatively short order we got the Bay of Pigs, Vietnam, the ’70s oil crisis, Lebanon, Star Wars, the Persian Gulf war of 1991, Somalia, Kosovo and then, after 9/11, the “Long War” on terror, which has made conflict a “permanent condition.” Then came Iraq: proof, for Bacevich, of our political, economic and military rot.
In relatively short order we got the Bay of Pigs, Vietnam, the ’70s oil crisis, Lebanon, Star Wars, the Persian Gulf war of 1991, Somalia, Kosovo and then, after 9/11, the “Long War” on terror, which has made conflict a “permanent condition.” Then came Iraq: proof, for Bacevich, of our political, economic and military rot.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Why do people vote Republican? | Blog | Futurismic
Why do people vote Republican? | Blog | Futurismic: "Psychologist Jonathan Haidt explores the question on The Edge, with eight responses from the Reality Club. This self-described liberal suggests:
Democrats would do well to read Durkheim and think about the quasi-religious importance of the criminal justice system. The miracle of turning individuals into groups can only be performed by groups that impose costs on cheaters and slackers. You can do this the authoritarian way (with strict rules and harsh penalties) or you can do it using the fairness/reciprocity foundation by stressing personal responsibility and the beneficence of the nation towards those who “work hard and play by the rules.” But if you don’t do it at all—if you seem to tolerate or enable cheaters and slackers — then you are committing a kind of sacrilegePsychologist Jonathan Haidt explores the question on The Edge, with eight responses from the Reality Club. This self-described liberal suggests:
Democrats would do well to read Durkheim and think about the quasi-religious importance of the criminal justice system. The miracle of turning individuals into groups can only be performed by groups that impose costs on cheaters and slackers. You can do this the authoritarian way (with strict rules and harsh penalties) or you can do it using the fairness/reciprocity foundation by stressing personal responsibility and the beneficence of the nation towards those who “work hard and play by the rules.” But if you don’t do it at all—if you seem to tolerate or enable cheaters and slackers — then you are committing a kind of sacrilege"
Democrats would do well to read Durkheim and think about the quasi-religious importance of the criminal justice system. The miracle of turning individuals into groups can only be performed by groups that impose costs on cheaters and slackers. You can do this the authoritarian way (with strict rules and harsh penalties) or you can do it using the fairness/reciprocity foundation by stressing personal responsibility and the beneficence of the nation towards those who “work hard and play by the rules.” But if you don’t do it at all—if you seem to tolerate or enable cheaters and slackers — then you are committing a kind of sacrilegePsychologist Jonathan Haidt explores the question on The Edge, with eight responses from the Reality Club. This self-described liberal suggests:
Democrats would do well to read Durkheim and think about the quasi-religious importance of the criminal justice system. The miracle of turning individuals into groups can only be performed by groups that impose costs on cheaters and slackers. You can do this the authoritarian way (with strict rules and harsh penalties) or you can do it using the fairness/reciprocity foundation by stressing personal responsibility and the beneficence of the nation towards those who “work hard and play by the rules.” But if you don’t do it at all—if you seem to tolerate or enable cheaters and slackers — then you are committing a kind of sacrilege"
Sean Hannity Meltdown - Featured Video on BuzzFeed
Sean Hannity Meltdown - Featured Video on BuzzFeed: "These right wing bullies are just a reincarnation of Joe McCarthy. They also have a resemblance to the Salem witch trials"
Thursday, September 11, 2008
contact list for Barack Obama
Not yet Printed on Walk List
miles awayremove
Jami Harris
219 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Tracy Wyatt
211 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
James Sulltrop
219 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Courtney Bramon
214 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Wanda Beamon
206 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Karla Watson
203 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Craig Diehls
405 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Billy Huthman
405 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Edward Innes
101 County Road 201Fayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Joan Innes
101 County Road 201Fayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Kathryn Kugler
101 Hackley DrFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Charlotte Wenneker
101 Hackley DrFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Gordon Wenneker
101 Hackley DrFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Laurie Wells
102 Falcon LnFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
James Mcmillan
128 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Ethel Linhart
100 Huttsell DrFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Warren Frees
500 Reynolds StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Patricia Frees
500 Reynolds StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Roy Holloway
204 Villers DrFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Meloni Holman
204 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Larry Boone
206 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Victoria Filinuk
204 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Patricia Fisher
209 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Steven Eidson
203 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Rebecca Weaver
202 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Jami Harris
219 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Tracy Wyatt
211 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
James Sulltrop
219 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Courtney Bramon
214 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Wanda Beamon
206 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Karla Watson
203 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Craig Diehls
405 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Billy Huthman
405 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Edward Innes
101 County Road 201Fayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Joan Innes
101 County Road 201Fayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Kathryn Kugler
101 Hackley DrFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Charlotte Wenneker
101 Hackley DrFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Gordon Wenneker
101 Hackley DrFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Laurie Wells
102 Falcon LnFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
James Mcmillan
128 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Ethel Linhart
100 Huttsell DrFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Warren Frees
500 Reynolds StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Patricia Frees
500 Reynolds StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Roy Holloway
204 Villers DrFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Meloni Holman
204 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Larry Boone
206 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Victoria Filinuk
204 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Patricia Fisher
209 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Steven Eidson
203 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Rebecca Weaver
202 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
contact list for Barack Obama
Not yet Printed on Walk List
miles awayremove
Jami Harris
219 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Tracy Wyatt
211 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
James Sulltrop
219 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Courtney Bramon
214 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Wanda Beamon
206 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Karla Watson
203 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Craig Diehls
405 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Billy Huthman
405 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Edward Innes
101 County Road 201Fayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Joan Innes
101 County Road 201Fayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Kathryn Kugler
101 Hackley DrFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Charlotte Wenneker
101 Hackley DrFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Gordon Wenneker
101 Hackley DrFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Laurie Wells
102 Falcon LnFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
James Mcmillan
128 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Ethel Linhart
100 Huttsell DrFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Warren Frees
500 Reynolds StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Patricia Frees
500 Reynolds StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Roy Holloway
204 Villers DrFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Meloni Holman
204 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Larry Boone
206 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Victoria Filinuk
204 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Patricia Fisher
209 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Steven Eidson
203 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Rebecca Weaver
202 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Jami Harris
219 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Tracy Wyatt
211 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
James Sulltrop
219 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Courtney Bramon
214 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Wanda Beamon
206 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Karla Watson
203 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Craig Diehls
405 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Billy Huthman
405 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Edward Innes
101 County Road 201Fayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Joan Innes
101 County Road 201Fayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Kathryn Kugler
101 Hackley DrFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Charlotte Wenneker
101 Hackley DrFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Gordon Wenneker
101 Hackley DrFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Laurie Wells
102 Falcon LnFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
James Mcmillan
128 Leonard AveFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Ethel Linhart
100 Huttsell DrFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Warren Frees
500 Reynolds StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Patricia Frees
500 Reynolds StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Roy Holloway
204 Villers DrFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Meloni Holman
204 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Larry Boone
206 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Victoria Filinuk
204 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Patricia Fisher
209 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Steven Eidson
203 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
miles awayremove
Rebecca Weaver
202 W Morrison StFayette, MO 65248Expires in 14 days
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
YouTube - * Barack Hussein Obama * - Political Hero? Radical Leftist? Uh Tick Tell Stutter lie liar lying Policy Marxist Socialist Wright junior senator inexperience nobama uhbama obamanable snowjob Presidential Election John McCain PUMA Sarah Palin
YouTube - * Barack Hussein Obama * - Political Hero? Radical Leftist? Uh Tick Tell Stutter lie liar lying Policy Marxist Socialist Wright junior senator inexperience nobama uhbama obamanable snowjob Presidential Election John McCain PUMA Sarah Palin: "This is the way of the fascist conservatives. They only know hatred and violence. It is said the best revenge is living well. That is all that needs to be done."
A Bridge to Far? -
A Bridge to Far? - "What is it about americans that makes them believe this crap? Are we a nation of morons? I guess we want to believe. We want to think things are better than they are. We've been on this kick since Reagan. We will pay for this, but we will have had our fun. It's almost a criminal mentality. They say there's not much difference between a good capitalist and a good criminal"
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The Secret Behind The Surge Video -
The Secret Behind The Surge Video - "Fascists love to call centrists socialists"
Friday, September 5, 2008
Republicans: Obama is 'more of the same' - 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog - Political Intelligence -
Republicans: Obama is 'more of the same' - 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog - Political Intelligence - "The Republicans are like a murderer who was seen by witnesses. All they can do is to try to create doubt"
Thursday, August 7, 2008
YouTube - Obama Insists Inflating Tires Better Than Oil Drilling
YouTube - Obama Insists Inflating Tires Better Than Oil Drilling: "Americans have taken pride in being ignorant ever since Reagan. It's a good way to destroy the country"
Obama's Story - The Washington Independent - U.S. news and politics -
Obama's Story - The Washington Independent - U.S. news and politics - "This is the best article I've read about the way this campaign is being waged. The GOP's only chance is to get nasty. They've been very successful at it. How can Obama stay above the fray and still answer the attacks? He has to a way to get down in the trenches without losing his celebrity status. It's a difficult problem. If the GOP can be successful with their dirty work again it bodes ill for our country. The system will have become dysfunctional much like a banana republic. Americans have to become tired of all this disinformation. Maybe we are a weaker country than we think we are."
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Post Comment | AlterNet
Post Comment | AlterNet: "RE: A car in every garage - a Pot plant in everyones home - !
Posted by: cat007 on Jul 23, 2008 2:15 PM
Current rating: Not yet rated [1 = poor; 5 = excellent]
Well there will always be two sides to everything. I see a real analogy here between drug laws and the death penalty. The more violent the state the more likely it has the death penalty. Really you could infer that the death penalty encourages crime. Different people see things different ways. I think I'm right. You think you're right. Who's to say who's right?"
Posted by: cat007 on Jul 23, 2008 2:15 PM
Current rating: Not yet rated [1 = poor; 5 = excellent]
Well there will always be two sides to everything. I see a real analogy here between drug laws and the death penalty. The more violent the state the more likely it has the death penalty. Really you could infer that the death penalty encourages crime. Different people see things different ways. I think I'm right. You think you're right. Who's to say who's right?"
No profit in housing the homeless |
No profit in housing the homeless | "What other solutions are being offered? Rather than trying to occupy vacant houses, Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke suggested that cities and states should destroy vacant homes to help bring supply and demand back into balance.
In a speech in March, Bernanke praised the Genesee County Land Bank in Flint, Mich.--a 'highly depressed' market, in his words--for acquiring vacant units through tax liens and demolishing them. Bernanke sniffed that such programs could 'mitigate safety hazards and reduce supply.'"
According to the Census Bureau, U.S. households on average have 2.57 people. So the vacant housing stock could provide homes to at least 47.5 million people--or about 15 percent of the U.S. population. And that's a conservative estimate when you consider that many vacant houses could comfortably house many more people than the household average.
To put this number in perspective, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration estimates that 3.5 million people in the U.S. experience homelessness in a given year, and about 842,000 people are homeless in any given week. So there are enough vacant homes to house the homeless in any given week 56 times over.
Further, in 2005, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights estimated the global homeless population at 100 million. So, roughly speaking, there is enough vacant housing to provide shelter for nearly half the world's homeless population in the U.S. And when you factor in the growing amount of vacant commercial real estate, such as office buildings and shopping centers, an even further dent could be made.
Meanwhile, in the Southwest, tent cities are arising, occupied by people who lost their homes to foreclosure. The city of Santa Barbara, Calif., for example, has set aside 12 parking lots to allow people who lost their homes to live out of their cars. In many cases, the people living in the lots still have jobs, but simply can't find affordable housing
In a speech in March, Bernanke praised the Genesee County Land Bank in Flint, Mich.--a 'highly depressed' market, in his words--for acquiring vacant units through tax liens and demolishing them. Bernanke sniffed that such programs could 'mitigate safety hazards and reduce supply.'"
According to the Census Bureau, U.S. households on average have 2.57 people. So the vacant housing stock could provide homes to at least 47.5 million people--or about 15 percent of the U.S. population. And that's a conservative estimate when you consider that many vacant houses could comfortably house many more people than the household average.
To put this number in perspective, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration estimates that 3.5 million people in the U.S. experience homelessness in a given year, and about 842,000 people are homeless in any given week. So there are enough vacant homes to house the homeless in any given week 56 times over.
Further, in 2005, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights estimated the global homeless population at 100 million. So, roughly speaking, there is enough vacant housing to provide shelter for nearly half the world's homeless population in the U.S. And when you factor in the growing amount of vacant commercial real estate, such as office buildings and shopping centers, an even further dent could be made.
Meanwhile, in the Southwest, tent cities are arising, occupied by people who lost their homes to foreclosure. The city of Santa Barbara, Calif., for example, has set aside 12 parking lots to allow people who lost their homes to live out of their cars. In many cases, the people living in the lots still have jobs, but simply can't find affordable housing
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Matthew Yglesias

Matthew Yglesias: "I saw this for sale at a conservative t-shirts website. I'm not necessarily one to say that torture is a subject about which we shouldn't joke. Torture-related satire and other forms of torture humor are, I think, a clear way of coming to grips with the horror of what our government have become. It's a difficult subject to contemplate, and express a view on, without resorting to humor on some level.
But that of course isn't what's happening here. Instead we see conservatives deciding to embrace torture as constitutive of conservative identity. If you're a conservative, you like torture. If you're against torture, you're not a conservative."
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Jesse Helms: The Most Important Senator of Our Times - HUMAN EVENTS
Jesse Helms: The Most Important Senator of Our Times - HUMAN EVENTS: "Liberals do love Phyllis. She is a true joy. Nobody can hate like her. Lock and load. Let the games begin"
Friday, July 4, 2008
Op-Ed Columnist - Rove’s Third Term - Op-Ed -
Op-Ed Columnist - Rove’s Third Term - Op-Ed - "Al Gore never claimed that he invented the Internet. Howard Dean didn’t scream. Hillary Clinton didn’t say she was staying in the race because Barack Obama might be assassinated. And Wesley Clark didn’t impugn John McCain’s military service"
A Lucrative Deal for Rush Limbaugh - Readers' Comments - The New York Times
A Lucrative Deal for Rush Limbaugh - Readers' Comments - The New York Times: "It just goes to show you that certain drug addicts and liars do well in the right wing political climate that arose with the sainted Ronald Reagan and will (we fervently hope) fade a bit with the departure of G.W. Bush.
— dbsweden, Sweden"
— dbsweden, Sweden"
A Lucrative Deal for Rush Limbaugh - Readers' Comments - The New York Times
A Lucrative Deal for Rush Limbaugh - Readers' Comments - The New York Times: "we are so in awe of wealth in america, we dare not admit that what we are extolling is insatiable greed, so many who claim to be God fearing christians, or the voice of honest 'decent folk' lap up the cash"
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Cafe Talk | Talking Points Memo | Dobson a member The Family?
Cafe Talk | Talking Points Memo | Dobson a member The Family?: "I heard an interview with Jeff Sharlet on the Diane Rehn show yesterday. Sharlet is the author of a new book called The Family: the secret fundamentalism at the heart of American power. The Family aka The Fellowship aka many other names is composed of cells of powerful unorthodox Christian fundamentalists.
The organization began in the 1930s or 1940s. It's founder received a revelation from God telling him that the Christians had been preaching the wrong message for 2000 years. God told him that He doesn't actually care about the poor and weak and ill. His concerns are with the powerful. The powerful people are the receivers of of His beneficence and the powers will then award what they want to the poor, the weak and the ill. It's a trickle down effect...sound familiar"
The organization began in the 1930s or 1940s. It's founder received a revelation from God telling him that the Christians had been preaching the wrong message for 2000 years. God told him that He doesn't actually care about the poor and weak and ill. His concerns are with the powerful. The powerful people are the receivers of of His beneficence and the powers will then award what they want to the poor, the weak and the ill. It's a trickle down effect...sound familiar"
Friday, June 6, 2008
Video: FOX Reporter Squashed by Father's Words on Wright
Video: FOX Reporter Squashed by Father's Words on WrightThere has been a lot of hate in this country ever since Reagan. Maybe it's the way this country should end, but it will go on. These haters will climb back under the rock from which they came. Eventually new ones will take their places. It's just the human condition. Makes you sad. Doesn't it?
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Inflatable electric car can drive off cliffs

Inflatable electric car can drive off cliffs: "'Research shows that the metal in your car is the largest cause of death and injury,' the company explains on its Web site. 'The shrapnel, body compression immobility, lung compression, dismemberment and other serious results of a crash are most often caused by the inflexibility of metal and the permanent deformation of the body of the metal car around or into your body. Hence the need for, and name of, the Jaws of Life.'"
Friday, May 30, 2008
The Patriot Post - Opinions - But is it True?
The Patriot Post - Opinions - But is it True?: "He believes the invasion of Iraq was “a serious strategic blunder,' that the decision to invade Iraq was “a fateful misstep” born in part of the shock of 9/11 but also of “an air of invincibility” sharpened by the surprisingly and “deceptively” quick initial military success in Afghanistan. He scores President Bush's “certitude” and “self-deceit” and asserts the decision to invade Iraq was tied to the president's lust for legacy, need for boldness, and grandiose notions as to what is possible in the Mideast"
So McClellan is correct when he writes senior administration officials began a campaign in 2002 to "aggressively sell the war," even as he and other officials insisted all options were on the table. Of course, it was a war of choice, not of necessity, as he writes. The Bush administration's main motive for invading Iraq was to introduce "coercive democracy."
This motive originated in a controversial 1996 White Paper titled "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm," which referred to Israel. It advised incoming Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to repeal the Oslo agreements for a Palestinian solution, keep Gaza and the West Bank under Israeli control, and establish democracy in Iraq by overthrowing Saddam Hussein. Democracy in Iraq, said "Clean Break," would be followed by similar regime changes in Syria and Iran. Thus, Israel could begin to relax and look forward to real security for the indefinite future.
Among its principal authors were neocon theoreticians Richard Perle, soon to be chairman of the Defense Policy Board; Douglas Feith, who became undersecretary of defense for policy and was also in charge of post-Iraq invasion planning; ad David Wurmser, who later joined Feith's Pentagon team before his elevation to deputy assistant to Dick Cheney for national security -- all superhawks on Iran as well.
This motive originated in a controversial 1996 White Paper titled "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm," which referred to Israel. It advised incoming Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to repeal the Oslo agreements for a Palestinian solution, keep Gaza and the West Bank under Israeli control, and establish democracy in Iraq by overthrowing Saddam Hussein. Democracy in Iraq, said "Clean Break," would be followed by similar regime changes in Syria and Iran. Thus, Israel could begin to relax and look forward to real security for the indefinite future.
Among its principal authors were neocon theoreticians Richard Perle, soon to be chairman of the Defense Policy Board; Douglas Feith, who became undersecretary of defense for policy and was also in charge of post-Iraq invasion planning; ad David Wurmser, who later joined Feith's Pentagon team before his elevation to deputy assistant to Dick Cheney for national security -- all superhawks on Iran as well.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
THE LIBERAL JOURNAL: Former Press Secretary Rips Bush
THE LIBERAL JOURNAL: Former Press Secretary Rips Bush: "The collapse of the administration’s rationales for war, which became apparent months after our invasion, should never have come as such a surprise. … In this case, the ‘liberal media’ didn’t live up to its reputation. If it had, the country would have been better served.”"
THE LIBERAL JOURNAL: Former Press Secretary Rips Bush
THE LIBERAL JOURNAL: Former Press Secretary Rips Bush: "Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan writes in a surprisingly scathing memoir to be published next week that President Bush “veered terribly off course,” was not “open and forthright on Iraq,” and took a “permanent campaign approach” to governing at the expense of candor and competence.
Among the most explosive revelations in the 341-page book, titled “What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception” (Public Affairs, $27.95):"
Among the most explosive revelations in the 341-page book, titled “What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception” (Public Affairs, $27.95):"
Brown's Global Ideals Threaten U.S. Sovereignty - HUMAN EVENTS
Brown's Global Ideals Threaten U.S. Sovereignty - HUMAN EVENTSYou hate the local, state and national governments. What's wrong with one more if it would put an end to war? It's one world. Love it or leave it
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008 - Contact Us - Contact Us: "Jack, why don't you ask about something we can sink our teeth into? Are you afraid of asking about Osama? Fox might call you unpatriotic. You need ratings, and this is how to get them. The world needs to come first. Patriotism is dead!"
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Clintons Climbing the (Charlie?) Tree - HUMAN EVENTS
Clintons Climbing the (Charlie?) Tree - HUMAN EVENTS: "Yes, it’s true. After nearly two decades of conservative writers spluttering and sputtering, hyperventilating and gesticulating, gnashing their teeth and pulling their hair, seeking the mot juste to encapsulate the smarminess, the tackiness, the sleaziness, the ickiness, the scabby, weasely, hokey corruption that is the Clinton legacy, one Democrat political operative in South"
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